The First at Second
What's on the first? We are super excited to let everyone know that our youth group restarts this Friday. The first meeting will be on the 1st of September (at 2EFC at 7:00 p.m.). We will mostly be making introductions, but then we will also think briefly about our names - family names, given names, nich names, and even others that we do not think much about. If you are in grades 6 to 12 this coming year, you are invited and we would love to have you come meet everyone.
Who is first? We also conclude our summer series in the Psalms this Sunday. We will consider going "from bitterness to bliss" by looking at Psalm 73. While it is easy to become envious and even embittered because of what we see others enjoying around us - especially those that pay the Lord no mind. We can see how the Spirit can use this psalm to change our hearts and desires so that we experience the blessedness that comes with the Lord being our first and foremost desire. Join us in person, or even watch online.