I Have Sinned Against You
We are now in the third week of Lent. Those who have been tracking with us in the "Be Gracious to Me" devotionals for Lent will know that this week we focus on the fourth verse of Psalm 41. (The devotionals are available at the back of the church for your family to go through Lent together with us. You can also order your own copy online from Concordia Publishing House.) Thus, for our third Sunday in Lent, the sermon will be: "Be Gracious to Me III - I have Sinned against You." As we have been saying throughout this series, the Psalms point to Jesus, and Jesus was the true Israelite who could sing the Psalms perfectly. But, do all of the words of this Psalm belong to Christ Jesus, our Lord? How could he sing verse 4? Why did he sing verse 4? Well, yes he did - and that is part of the very good news. He took away the sin of the world (John 1:29) by taking on our sin in fulfillment of Isaiah 53:6. While he committed no sin of his own, he actually bore our sin.
Although many people think of what they should give up in contrition during Lent, what about what we get in Jesus's passion? Psalm 41:4 applies to Jesus.
He was a sinner (even though there was no sin in him and he committed none of his one).
But, God was also gracious to him.
Psalm 41:4 applies to us.
In Christ, we who are sinners (because we are born sinners and also sin incessantly);
We also receive God's grace.
It is not because we are entitled. It is because of Christ's great exchange for us. That is worth rejoicing over.
The fourth week of Lent has been described as a "break" in our somber season of repentance to look ahead briefly to Christ's redemptive work for us at Easter. In reality, our remembering our need for the Savior and repentance for our sins is never in isolation from our rejoicing in what Jesus has done for us to receive God's grace and be counted righteous. So even during our third Sunday in Lent, we will celebrate by commemorating the giving of Jesus's body and shedding of Jesus's blood for us in partaking of the Lord's Supper. You are warmly invited to join us as we worship in word and sacrament.