Portal to Praise and Perception

The second week of our summer series in the Psalms has us looking at the opening Psalm of the official hymnbook of the OT people of God and as the "gateway" to the Psalms, Psalm 1 sets the tone and trajectory for the rest of the book that is designed to set us up in the right outlook, direction, and motivation for living before the Lord as those who have been shown his redeeming love. When it is easy to be influenced by all sorts of persons and philosophies around us and in the world at large, we are invited and welcomed into the way of worship and wisdom.  You are invited to join us this Sunday or to find our livestream, as well as recordings of past livestreams at Second Evangelical Free Church - YouTube.  We are going to see that 1) there really is a difference; and 2) there really is a way of the righteous.


Coming Clean


Thanksgiving, Father’s Day and the Call of the Child