Sharing our Faith IV: Calling — Following Jesus

There will be a parade outside (with the grandstand at our intersection), but we will have the parable of the Feast, followed by celebration of The Lord's Supper inside. Join us this Sunday, in the midst of the noise as we ourselves get a little noisy.

In considering the parable that Jesus told in Luke 14:15-24, we find that, because Jesus calls the un-entitled, we act on the invitation. The reality is that many invited will not feast in the Kingdom. But, seeing what Jesus did, we (1) seek (the "outsider") like Jesus; and (2) we unsettle (the listener) like Jesus.  And concluding the Two Ways To Live presentation, we also see that we need to "call the question" as captured by John 3:36.

After the service, we will actually set up a stand to reach out to our neighbors who may be winding down from the parade, and we will have opportunities to share the Good News - maybe even using the Two Ways To Live booklets or app.


Just As He Promised: Love