That’s a Good Question
When we hear the term Good Samaritan, the parable might come to mind. Today, our neighbors might be just as inclined to think of a hospital, a law, a society, a psychological effect. In fact the parable is found in Luke 10. Taking a careful look at the setting, however, helps us see the deeper meaning of this story that Jesus told.
The lawyer that Jesus was speaking with actually got the point of the story. But, did he get Jesus’s point when Jesus answered his “who is my neighbor” question with another question - essentially: “how do you neighbor” or “do you prove to be neighborly?”
Do we prove to be neighborly? Three things help us - two obviously in the story, and one subtle, unstated, takeaway.
Proving to be a neighbor:
The Good Neighbor
The Good Benevolence
The Good News
Join us this Sunday when we consider the Good Samaritan.